Product rights
We at Ott Yacht GmbH are the sole owners of the rights, licenses and forms of the sailing yachts Aphrodite 101, Diamant 2000, Diamant 3000 and the International 806. Should another boatyard wish to build one of these yachts, this will only be possible following our agreement and a license issued by us.

For the H-Boat we are the owners and proprietors of the rights and forms of O.L. and, in the same way as the two other H-Boat manufacturers (there are currently three H-Boat manufacturers worldwide), we have a building license issued by the ISAF.
Modern boat construction
When producing our yachts, we take very new and different paths. We divide the creation of a yacht, from the GRP construction through to delivery to the customer, into 6 components: 1. GRP construction, 2. Furniture construction, 3. Delivery of fittings and hardware, 4. Mounting of fittings and mounting and assembly / boat onstruction, 5. Completion with loose parts (blocks, cordage, mast etc.) and the keel and rudder, 6. Final check and delivery to the customer.
Components 3, 5 and 6 are carried out on our company premises, by us, for all of our yachts. For the Aphrodite IOI, component 1, the GRP construction, is completed on site at our premises in Meersburg, while the H-Boat is entirely constructed by ourselves in Meersburg, together will all its components.

This model, that is in some ways similar to the delivery system in the car manufacturing industry, allows us to react to changes in the market much more efficiently. If we can produce parts more cheaply using other suppliers, if we can find better quality elsewhere, or if we have problems of any kind with suppliers, we can replace individual components without risking an interruption to the ongoing production process. In our company in Meersburg, we are prepared to step in at short notice for each of the components. We regularly do this when changing models or prototypes. The decisive advantages for us are that we remain unaffected by the contractual situation, and that the prices can be clearly calculated.
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