Ott 470e price

license free boat with electric enfine and solar charging

Ott 470 e, soloar powered electric boatOtt 470 e, soloar powered electric boat

Ott 470 e, euro pricelist Germany 09/2018

Ott 470 e, white, 2.0 KW / 24 volt electric motor, 2 AGM batteries 12 volt / 200 AH, light pole, bench, lying area, bathing platform with bathing ladder, inspection hatch in bathing platform, folding helm position, storage under the seat and under the lying surface, Anchor box, 4 mooring cleats, 3 mooring shoes, 8 hand hangers, helm, charger 24V / 12A.

Standard boat as above 19,900.- €
Until 30.10.2018 introductory price 17,900.- €
Until 30.10.2018 with solar roof 19,900.- €

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