Excellent sailing characteristics
The H-Boat stands out first and foremost for its excellent sailing qualities. It is very easy to handle, and is also forgiving to beginners when errors are made. At the same time, its trim changes, for example, which are immediately noticeable, mean that it is highly regarded by experienced regatta sailors. When he designed this boat in 1967, Hans Groop created a truly successful compromise between reliable sailing qualities and sensitive trimming behaviour.
...even when winds are strong
The boat, which weighs just 1,450 kg, can also be sailed easily under five Beaufort, thanks to its high ballast share of 50%. In 2001, the seaworthiness of the H-Boat was proved by the Atlantic crossing made by Philipp Heisig and Kerstin Schmider.

Easy to handle
A regatta crew consists of three people, but the 8.28 m-long boat can also be sailed without difficulty by two people. The hardware arrangement developed to a high standard by Ott Yacht GmbH - all hardware is from Harken - make it very easy to handle this yacht both in regattas and on tour.
The H-Boat from O.L. produced by Ott Yacht GmbH is guaranteed to impress. We'll be happy to prove it!